Another Day in London

We both lie here on her bed. I see her back. She feels so soft! I run my hands up and down her body, caressing it. We're still both naked, lying here on the bed. I have a perfect view of her face. I stare into her eyes and she into mine. She has a flawless face.

She has 'that smile' on her face. Her long legs and her curvy hips are a sight to behold. I plant a kiss on her lips. She returns it in kind. Her smile grows. I continue to run my hands up and down her side.

"Would you like to come to London with me?"

"I've never been there before, I would love that. Give me a day. I get my Masters, tomorrow."

"Oh that's nice, what are you studying?"

"Aerospace Engineering."

"Oh nice. How about this? I'll go to your graduation, and then we'll go to London."

"Sounds like a plan! So what are we going to do in London?"

"Just wanting to see the sights."

"I've got a sight right in front of me."

Her cheeks blush again, "Thank you for that."

I stand up. "Where are you going? I ain't done with you yet."

She lays a hand on her hips and gives me that grin, her perky breasts glistening in the light of the room. Her long slender frame is almost hypnotic. I face her, and I start to get hard again just from the sight.

"I see someone else is also not done."

She stands up from the bed. Her hips sway as she walks toward me. Her movements are hypnotizing. She walks up and stands right in front of me. She pulls me into a kiss, and she takes one of her hands and starts to jack me to hardness.

I wrap one of my arms around the back of her head and pull her in for a deeper kiss. I take my other hand and let it go up and down her back. She breaks the kiss and leads me to the bed. She pushes me down on the bed. I push myself up and lay my head on the pillows.

She is still standing at the end of the bed. My dick is fully erect at this time. She gets on all fours and slowly crawls to me on the bed, her breasts swaying underneath her. She lowers her head right next to my dick. She stares right into my eyes.

She takes her hands and starts to stroke me, planting kisses up and down while she does this. Then with no warning she takes me in her mouth. Slowly taking inch after inch. Her mouth feels so good! From this angle I have a perfect view of her swaying butt.

Up and down she goes. Every stroke makes me moan, ever so slightly. She occasionally looks at me with those dazzling eyes. My eyes roll to the back of my head. She continues to bob her head, even faster.

"I can't hold it any longer."

She takes herself off my dick before I can climax. I come back down from the edge. She looks me dead in the eye.

She brings herself up to crouch on top of me, showing how deep I'm going to go.

"You ready?"

"I was born ready!"

With a snicker and a smile she lowers herself down on me. Her head falls back. For a second she stays at the bottom. Her head comes forward again, and she looks at me with a smile from ear to ear. Her smile fades slightly, and her eyes roll back in ecstasy.

She then starts to rock her hips back and forth. Sometimes going straight up and down, sometimes rocking back and forth. Her boobs are swaying as she's doing this.

I reach out with both hands and play with them. I twist and pull, eliciting moans and exaggerated breaths. She leans forward, still rocking. I take one of her tits in my mouth. I feel her clamp down on me and start to convulse.

She falls forward on top of me. I'm still inside of her; I haven't climaxed yet. I give her a minute to collect herself. I feel her heartbeat on my chest.

After a little bit of her resting on top of me, she sits back up, my cock still inside her. It's taking everything in my power to keep from coming. This is so sexy! Gal Gadot is sitting on my lap with my dick inside her! Her curvy hips, her perky breasts, the sweat running down her stomach. Her tan skin glistening in the light of the room.

I have an idea. I roll her over, with no warning or hesitation. This gives her face a startled look. After we get settled in our new position, her surprised face turns into one with a grin. Her long legs wrap around my back. I start to rock my hips.

She reaches up and starts to play with her tits. I start to pick up the pace. One of her hands drifts down past her stomach and she starts to massage her clit. I see her eyes roll back with pleasure.

I am getting close at this point, and I think she is, too. Her moans are getting progressively louder and louder! I take her legs and prop them up on my shoulders, to give me greater access. I take my hands and lift her hips up.

I'm getting very close at this point! Then Gal starts to convulse, and clamps down on my dick. This sends me over the edge!

I stay buried inside, deep inside. This climax seems to last forever!

I look down at my handy-work after I pull out. A beautiful woman with sweat pouring down her stomach and thighs, drifting in and out of a high. She looks up at me with a satisfied look on her face.

We both head to the shower. She looks so sexy with the running water flowing down her long slender frame! I would do her again, right here and now, if I wasn't so tired. We both finish our shower and get dressed. Well, we both put on oversized t-shirts and walk around in the apartment.

After a good night's rest in each other's arms, I wake up and it's morning.

Wow! That was some dream! No way in hell I slept with Gal Gadot.

Then I look around and see this isn't my apartment. No, ...wait; I look over and there she lies, still asleep.

Whoa! That was real!

I sit up and hang my legs off the side of the bed. Gal rolls over and her arm reaches out for me. I take it and kiss the top of her hand. Her eyes open and she cracks a smile. I smile back. I stand up and start putting my clothes back on. She sits up, also rubbing her eyes.

"Where? ...Where are you going?"

"I got to get ready for graduation."

"Oh yeah, hold on. Come here," she says, softly. I walk over to her and she gives me a deep kiss.

We break the kiss and I start to dress again.

"What time is the ceremony?"

"It starts in about three hours."

"Let me freshen up and get dressed. I'll drive you to the graduation."

"Thanks, Gal. I really appreciate it."

She stands up and walks to the kitchen. She's wearing no clothes, her hips swaying seductively. I snap back to the real world and finish dressing up.

About an hour or so later I hear, "So, um, what do you think?"

Holy Jesus, I didn't think she could get better looking! She has on a blue designer dress. It looks just like the one from the Wonder Woman movie.

"Hey! You in there?"

I snap back and say, "Whoa."

She chuckles and says, "I'll take that as a 'yes'. Let's get going. I'd like to get there early."

I get the door for her and she walks out in front of me. After I close the door and meet her in the hallway we walk toward the elevator. Even though I've slept with her, her long legs still get me!

It's a short elevator ride, then we're at the lobby floor.

We're walking toward the door when I see that Porsche again. Hopefully this will be short and painless. Out of habit I walk over and help her into the car. I walk back over to my side and take a seat. I buckle and brace.

I never knew we could take a thirty-minute drive and cut it down to just about fifteen minutes, but I'm still alive when we get here. I see that they have everything already set up.

None of the other students are here yet, so I go ahead and get fixed up. They give me my robe and cap. I walk back over to Gal.

"You look good in that!"


It's not long before students start to show up. They don't see me yet, they just walk directly toward their gowns and put them on, like me. As soon as they turn around they see her. I guess I'm invisible, 'cause when they get over to me they completely ignore me.

They're all complementing Gal and making passes. Then Gal says something that makes my heart jump.

"Sorry boys, I'm already with a real man." she walks over to me and takes my arm. I see their jaws drop to the floor.

The ceremony is about to start. I kiss Gal on the cheek and walk over to the student section. The rest of the students get called up and are presented with their rewards. Then it's my turn. I walk out on stage and accept my degree. But when I turn to face the crowd, the only thing I see is her.

I walk down from the stage and meet Gal. All the parents are looking at me in disbelief.

"How about we skip the rest of the ceremony and well, um, get back to business?" she says, with that grin on her face.

"I like that idea!"

So we leave with half the audience in awe. I go through the procedure of letting her into the car.

I look over. "So. Back to the hotel?"

She looks at me and says, "Nope, there's a plane waiting for us at the airport."

"You have a private jet?"

"No, but I have a friend that was willing to rent me one."

Sure enough, when we get to the airport there it is. It's a short trek through airport security, but we make it, in the end.

We walk out to the jet and I see it's a Gulf Stream. Our bags are already in the cargo hold, mine included from my room. That's nice, and saves me the trouble.

I let her board first onto the plane. We get inside and I smell the fresh leather. She walks up to the cockpit to talk to the pilot. I sit down on the couch and take in the plane in its entirety.

I look over as the door shuts to the plane and Gal starts back into the cabin. She opens a bottle of champagne and pours some into two glasses. She walks back over to me with them. She sits on my lap and crosses her legs. I take my right hand and run it up and down her back.

"We've got about an hour until we land."

Then that grin returns to that lovely face, and I know exactly what she's thinking.

We waste no time. She puts down her glass and takes mine. She turns back around and takes me in a deep kiss. While she is doing that, she's rocking her hips on my crotch. It doesn't take too long before I'm hard.

My left hand wanders up and down her beautiful legs. I pull the top of her dress aside to reveal she's wearing a red lace bra. I break the kiss to fondle her tits. A moan escapes her mouth. My hand that was wandering up and down her leg slowly snakes upward. My hand finds itself under the dress, approaching her pussy.

I finally get to her pussy and move her underwear out of the way.

She stands up before I can do anything. As she stands her dress falls to the ground, revealing a sight to behold. Gal Gadot in red underwear! She puts on a little striptease. She turns around and slowly unbuttons her bra, letting it fall to the ground. She turns around to reveal her tits. Oh, those tits! She then slowly starts to take off her underwear.

But instead of taking them off, revealing her pussy, she pulls them back up. She holds a finger in front of her. She walks over to me and unbuttons my pants. She pulls down my pants and my shorts to let loose my boner.

"Let's skip the foreplay and go straight in."

She doesn't give me a blowjob, she just rears up and puts my dick right in front of her stomach. She slowly rubs it between her stomach and her hand. She puts both hands on my stomach and raises herself up off me.

Very slowly she lowers herself on top of me, taking her time. I'm enjoying every in.. I mean, second of this. She then reaches the bottom. She rocks her hips forward and backward.

After a little bit of her doing this she leans over, placing her breasts in my face. She keeps rocking back and forth. I put one of my hands on her back and the other on her breast, cupping it.

I push myself into a kiss with her. My hand that was on her back finds itself on the back of her head, holding her deeper into the kiss. She is rocking faster and faster. It feels like my dick is going to be torn off, she's so violent!

She clamps down, hard. She stops entirely, her body shaking violently with an earth-shattering orgasm.

I let her catch her breath before I switch things up. I roll her over, still inside of her. I take some pillows from the couch and place them underneath her back, elevating her pussy.

I take her legs and place them on my shoulders. Her hands are going up and down her stomach. When I start to pump, she takes one hand and starts to message her clit. The other hand works her tit. I feel left out, so I take the other tit with one of my hands.

I increase the pace. Her moans are synced with mine. The only sound filling the passenger compartment is the sound of flesh slapping, and the sound of ecstasy. It doesn't take me too long to approach the edge. As usual, I'm not the first to climax. She climaxes, which pushes me over the edge! When she clamps down on me, she milks me dry.

That was a good quickie. I would love to continue the "session" but we're about to land.

We put our clothes back on. We spend the last ten to fifteen minutes of the flight entertaining each other. Then the 'fasten seatbelt' lights come on. She doesn't go somewhere else to sit; she sits right next to me and buckles up. She crosses her legs and wraps her arms around my neck.

After the plane lands and is taxing we both unbuckle from our seats. I stand up first, soon joined by her. It isn't long before we're out of the plane and through the airport.

"Ah, London. Always wanted to come here."

"Well, now we are."

"What would you like to do first?"

"Let's head to our hotel. I need a change of clothes, from this dress to something more..." she pauses for a second, "comfortable."

She smiles at me and then we hop into a cab. She tells the driver to go to the hotel. It's not a long drive, but at least I can enjoy it. All of her driving has probably given me PTSD! I see the driver occasionally look back at us.

I lay a hand on her leg and her hand covers mine. A short time later, we arrive. It's the Landmark London. Never actually heard of it before, but it looks nice. The cab pulls to a stop and I pay the driver. Before I can run around to get her door, Gal steps out on her own.

"I really appreciate you helping me out of the car, very gentleman like. But I like to let myself out."

I get the hint that I'm being a little too overbearing. After that was all said and done, we walk into the hotel. It's as fancy as the hotel back in Paris. We get up to our room to see our stuff is already there.

We both unpack. I see her slip off her dress. Those legs never end, do they? She doesn't take her underwear off, though. But it's still a sight. I see her slip on a skin-tight shirt and some blue jeans. Her shirt doesn't show much cleavage, but does pronounce her perky breasts. Her jeans hug her curves.

"How do I look? Hopefully it's not too simple."

"You look as beautiful as when you were in those dresses."

I come in for a kiss. She returns it happily. I meant it as a simple 'I love you' kiss, but it turns into a deep kiss. So much for doing anything today, but I ain't complaining!

She breaks the kiss. Then she comes back into it more aggressively than the last time.

I reach around and grope her butt.

She breaks the kiss and a gasp escapes her mouth. She basically rips my shirt off.

I see the bed behind her, so I push her onto it. As she recovers from the landing, I unbutton her jeans and pull them down. I pull her underwear off while I take the pants off.

She is already wet. I go to work, at first probing with my fingers. Her moans are so soft, as is her skin! Then I pull my fingers away and she looks down at me, just in time for me to plant my tongue in her pussy! I look up to see her head fall back onto the bed.

This goes on for a little, until I feel her hands on the back of my head. Her body starts to rock violently and she climaxes. Her juices squirt out! I got no choice but to take them. After a time at the peak of her climax, she comes back down from it.

Her hands are trembling. She props herself back up. I can see the relief in her eyes. I stand up and take my pants off. She swings around, leaving her belly on the bed. After I take my underwear off, my hard-on pops out.

No kisses, no hand job. She goes straight for the kill! She takes me in her mouth instantly. She bobs her head, sometimes slow, then at other times she's going about as fast as I think she can possibly go.

Then I have a thought. She holds my head when she climaxes. While I don't intend on coming in her mouth, I think I am owed that much. So I wrap her hair around my fingers; I hold her head in place, then I start to slowly rock my hips. I can hear her gargling. I take it slow. I've never done this before. I pump a few times before I pop out.

"Wh, why did you stop?"

"Didn't know if you'd like that. Thought I'd ask."

"How sweet! But I need you, right now. So please, continue."

I put my dick back into her mouth and proceeded to pump. I start slow as usual. I see one of her hands sneak underneath her belly. I slowly start to pick up the pace. I can feel the edge coming, so before I get too close, I pull out.

My dick pops out of her mouth. She looks up at me with a gleam in her eye. She turns back around and gets on her hands and knees on the bed. Her hand is holding the folds of her pussy open.

She doesn't need to tell me what to do. I get on the bed, also on my knees. I aim up and slowly insert myself. This feels as good as the first time! I place one hand on her shoulder and one on her hip. I go all the way in, and hold myself.

Gal looks back down at the bed and says, "Pull my hair!"


"You heard me, now do it!"

While deep inside of her I take a lock of hair in one hand. I pull back as I start to rock my hips. I can just barely make out the side of her mouth; it has a smile going from ear to ear. I continue to rock, the sweet sounds of sex echoing in the room.

I'm going at breakneck pace by this point, and she's loving it! It's not too long before I feel my climax coming. I go deep inside her and stay there. As I climax she does, also. She milks me for everything I've got! I let loose rope after rope, deep inside her.

I let go of her hair and she falls forward onto the bed. I can see a river of sweat rolling down her stomach and face. I look into her eyes. She seems so happy.


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