The Front Porch

It was in the nineteen eighties when this story took place. Before the time of the internet and powerful computers. The commodore sixty-four was the top-of-the-line computer you could get. The front porch on our house needed to be rebuilt and a roof put over it.

My wife Becky didn't work at the time because the kids were small. She bugged me constantly about the porch as I am a carpenter. I told her how much it would cost, told her to find a job to buy half the materials and I will construct it.

In the eighties there was no craigslist, but there was a weekly paper with want ads for the area. My wife to my surprise showed me an ad for a female to have students who are in class to train as masseuses' practice to give a massage'.

"You know that you will have to be nude for a massage' right!" I asked her.

"Yes, I know that, but they pay twenty-five dollars an hour if I am willing to let the instructor give me a full erotic massage'. All the other jobs are for minimum wage of about six dollars. The classes are at night for three hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That means if I work three nights that is two hundred and twenty-five dollars." Becky explained to me.

Now to my surprise she ran the gauntlet to find a job. I was nervous about the job she wanted to apply for as a model to have massages' demonstrated on her. "The only way you will be able to take the job as a massage' model is, if I go with you. Call to see what they say about that?" I directed her hopeful they will refuse to interview her.

"Okay I will call tomorrow." Becky stated with resolve.

The next night when I arrived home from work. I was greeted by the kids happy to see me, a smile from my wife and a kiss. We had dinner, the kids and I helped clean up. My wife let the kids watch TV in the family room.

"Can we sit and talk while the kids are down in the family room?" Becky asked.

"Sure, my love what is it?" I said with a smile as I put my arm around my lady as we retired to the living room.

We sat together. "I called about that job I showed you last night and they want to see me on Monday night. They were okay with you being present at all the sessions as long you don't start any trouble. Even though the request was an odd one. Mark the man I talked to said. I will get our niece to sit for the kids, but you will have to pay her if you want to come with me." Becky stated as a deterrent for me to go with her because she knows I don't like to spend money for childcare.

"I have no problem paying Linsey to babysit you set it up." I stated which surprised her.

On Sunday while the kids played outside my wife came into my office nude. "Do you think I should trim my pubic area?" She asked me.

In surprise I looked at her and made a show to check her. "Turn around and spread your legs a little let me see." I used my fingers to open her a little before I gave her my conclusion. "Yes, you do need a little trim." I told her.

"I need help then." Becky stated.

"Get everything ready in the bedroom and call me." I told my wife.

A few minutes later I got the call. I went up to the bedroom, looked out the window to check to see where the kids were. I had my wife spread her legs, wet her pubic hair with a wet cloth, put shave cream around the edges of her bush and began to shape my wife's pubic area. It took me about a half hour and by that time she was excited, the scent of her excitement permeated the room. and this caused me to get a hardon. When I finished my tonsorial feat on my wife's mound. I used warm water to remove all the shaving cream and pulled her to the edge of the bed, put her legs over my shoulders and lickity-slit until she came all over my face. Becky was on the bed in a catatonic state, I was ready to drop my drawers to finish the act when I heard my daughter.

"Daddy is mommy up there with you I am looking for her."

"What do you need my dear." I asked as I shut the bedroom door, adjusted my pecker the best that I could, and I went into the bathroom to wash my face.

"I am going to get some cookies for Ray and me." Megan our daughter said.

"Go ahead thank you for letting us know." I said funny how kids can ruin the moment, the starch was gone in my member.

I walked into our bedroom Becky had a smile on her face as she stretched. Her legs still spread and hung over the side of the bed. I helped her up. She put on a dress with no undergarments to my delight, as it was warm out. We went outside and watched the kids.

Well actually I watched my wife to see if I could catch sight of her pussy as she moved around in the chair as she has a habit to spread her legs when she sits. My wife is uncomfortable with her legs crossed the way most women do. She was oblivious to the fact that her pleasure palace was on view as she sat comfortably out in the sun.

One of our son's friends came over and our son asked. "Can we go up in the woods to play?"

I looked at my wife she nodded yes. "Sure, Ray but don't go on the golf course stay in the woods." There is fifteen acres of woods between our houses and the golf course the kids go up there to find golf balls and sell them back to the golfers.

The next question came from Megan. "Can I go too daddy?" She asked as she came to sit on my lap Megan was six at the time and our son was two years older.

"No, my dear we like you to kept mommy and I company." I said as I gave her a hug.

Monday rolled around I went to work; it was a long day I couldn't keep my mind on my work. I arrived home at four to a wonderful meal.

We ate and Becky said. "I have to get ready could you clean up and pick up our niece."

I did as I was asked, and took the kids with me. By the time I arrived home with our niece Linsey, Becky was ready to go. It was five to six and a fifteen-minute drive to the college.

We set out to the college I was still in a quandary. "Will Becky actually go through with this? Do I want her to? Other people will touch my wife! Will I get turned on or pissed off?" I thought.

Becky could see I was in deep thought. "What is the matter Tom? Don't you want me to do this?" She asked in a concerned nervous voice.

"Nothing Becky I was just wondering if you will be able to do this, you're so modest around other people, yes I know you like to tease me like on the weekend, but no one was around, accept the kids."

"That is the only job that is more than minimum wage I could find, and I will only have to work a few weeks to get half the money needed for the front porch." Becky explained. She didn't take into consideration she will be nude for the massage'

We arrived at the college, parked, and walked into the building we looked for lab 107. It took us about ten minutes to get to the room.

"Here goes nothing." Becky said as she opened the door to the classroom.

What we found was a room full of massage' tables, a platform with a desk and massage' table. At the deck was a man in his fifties with white curly hair.

"Can I help you?" The man asked when he saw us.

"Yes, my name is Becky Conte, and this is my husband Tom. I called about your ad for a female massage' model the other day. Are you Mark?"

"Ah yes I am and I remember. Nice to meet you Mrs. Conte and Mr. Conte." Mark said as he shook our hands.

"Have a seat and I will tell you what is involved and then you can decide of you want to be a massage' model Mrs. Conte. What I am looking for is someone I can demonstrate the erotic massage' with a happy ending for a female who received a massage'. It will be three nights a week and I will pay you twenty-five dollars an hour, any time you're naked for a demonstration or if some of the students would like to use you as a model. They have been working on each other but there are not enough females in this class, so that is why I need to hire you." Mark explained while he watched us closely to see if we have an aversion to what he explained to us. "Are there any questions?" He continued.

"Is it okay if my husband is here with me?" Becky asked to make sure I can accompany her.

"That is not the norm, but I don't have a problem with it. Mr. Conte, your wife will be touched intimately by the student and myself when I instruct the students. Will this be a problem for you?"

"I really never thought about someone else touching my wife, but I guess I am okay with it as long as Becky is on board." I answered with some hesitance.

"What do you mean by a happy ending?" Becky asked.

"If you want the Masseuse or Masseur to bring you to orgasm at the end of the massage'. You just tell them you want a happy ending." Mark explained without embarrassment.

The students started to enter the classroom there were about twenty of them four were women.

"Would you like to start tonight Mrs. Conte?" Mark asked.

"What do you think Tom?"

"It is up to you Becky." I said as I looked at half the class undress at a table included two of the young women who stripped nude as the men did who will receive the massage. Each of the women were partnered with a man.

Becky looked at half the class as they stripped. I could see her attitude of indecision change to a determination to be a model. She went up onto the stage, I followed. "I will start tonight. She said to the instructor Mark resolutely.

"Okay Mrs. Conte, strip nude and I will do a demonstration for the class on an erotic massage. You let me know if you want a happy ending."

"Okay Mark, but why don't you call me Becky as I think before the night is over you will know me almost as intimately as my husband and my Gynecologist. Becky giggled nervously. "Can you help me undress Tom." She asked to make sure I bought into her exposure." She said as she started to remove her blouse, I unhooked her skirt and brought it down her legs. Becky stepped out of it, I folded the garment and put it on a chair with her blouse. Becky hooked her thumbs in the side of her panties and brought it down to her knees and they floated to the floor. "Can you unhook by bra for me Tom?" Becky asked.

I did the two-finger twist, and the bra was unhooked. She took it off her arms and gave it to me to store with the other discarded garments. She was naked as the day she was born and looked beautiful although her features were a little rosy red.

A little about Becky's features. She has light brown hair on her head and her bush. Her hair is just off her shoulders. The thirty two year old beauty weighs in at one hundred and thirty-five pound. Her thirty-six, twenty-four, thirty-four figure does not have any signs of the two children she delivered. Her nipples are large. She keeps her bush neatly trimmed. She has beautiful blue gray eyes that sparkle when she is happy. A smile that lights up the room. She is five foot four inches tall.

Back to see what transpired in the classroom.

Mark put a pillow on the massage table that Becky was to lay on, face down. From her head to her stomach was supported by the pillow. She looks very comfortable. This causes her legs to drop and spread it exposes her vaginal area in great detail.

The group gathers around Becky her sex was totally exposed and it has become engorged with her excitement her vagina opened like a flower. Mark started at her neck with scented body lotion that warms on contact to the skin. He takes his time down her body to her bottom.

"Can I put lotion and rub it in on your bottom Becky?" Mark asks.

"Yes." Becky states in a whisper she is in another world of pleasure.

He rubs the lotion on her butt cheeks, and starts at her feet and goes up each leg to their juncture. He goes to the other leg and starts up that one to the juncture of her legs. He pushes the back of his hand against her sex lips. The knuckles rub on her clit.

"May I massage' your vagina now Becky."

"Yes!" She states in a husky whisper.

By this time the class is mesmerized by the massage' Mark gave to Becky.

Becky humped Marks hand as he uses his fingers to rub her sex lips together. She moaned. "Give me a happy ending." Becky whispered breathlessly.

Mark started to fuck her with three fingers together and rubbed his knuckles on her clit. She was so wet you could hear the suction when he pulled his fingers out of her and pushed them back in.

A couple of minutes later she screamed her orgasm to the delight of the students, I was amazed, Becky was embarrassed, and Mark had satisfaction written all over his face.

Unknown to me at the time Mark had an ulterior motive which we found out later. "She is hooked now. She will need this release from now on it was so pleasurable for her." Mark thought as he continued to rub her pussy through her orgasm, which prolonged her enjoyment.

"For the next hour practice on your partner. I will be around to see if you're doing the massage properly." Mark said.

Becky laid on the massage table thoroughly sated, she did not move, her vaginal opening was enlarged and open. Her clit engorged, and her lips swollen. I was amazed and pleased to see my wife so exposed to everyone. I could get used to this class and I love to see my wife this exposed.

I couldn't believe Becky did not cover up with something as she watched the groups give their partners a massage'. Becky was amazed that the women wanted happy endings along with some of the men. She rolled over and used the pillow folded up to rest her back on, she had her legs a comfortable distance apart which exposed her pleasure palace to me, and anyone else that wanted to enjoy the view of her engorged flower of life.

"Finish up, I want to do another demonstration before we go tonight. Come up around the massage table." Mark directed the class. He continued. "Becky I want you to do is put your feet together bottom of foot to bottom of foot. Pull your feet toward you until I tell you to stop."

She complied.

"Stop!" Mark said when her knees were about three feet apart and her vaginal area was opened and exposed. "I am going to start at your neck and massage' to your breasts, stomach, legs and finally your vagina. Will that meet your approval?" He asked Becky.

"Yes, that sounds okay to me." Becky answered with a faraway look in her eyes.

He put lotion on his hand and applied the liquid to her shoulders. Becky could feel the heat immediately. He went down her torso to her breasts and spent time to arouse her nipples with the heated liquid. This raised her excitement.

"I can see Becky's pussy as it leaked on the table, my wife was very excited." I thought as I watched the demonstration. "I need to remember this to keep Becky horny, so she will become more agreeable to some of my adventures I want for her." I continued with my thoughts.

Mark went down Becky's legs with the massage' liquid, he avoided her pussy. He did both legs first and rubbed the back of his hand on her lady lips on each pass. "Do you want a happy ending Becky."

"Yes, Yes, Please!" She said as Marj rubbed her box with the back of his hand.

Mark took four fingers on one hand and pushed them into my wife's pussy. She humped his hand as she moaned. I have never seen her this horny and in public no less. I was about ready to cum in my pants, her exhibition was so erotic. Mark pumped his hand in her about six more times, and she let go with a scream at the top of her lungs. So loud in fact security ran into the room to find my wife nude, spread, and with Mark's hand in her pussy almost to his knuckles.

The two stood rooted to the spot, they were in awe one woman and a man, surprised to see a nude woman who was my wife Becky as she humped Mark's hand. "I guess everything is alright." One of the guards said as they left the room in amazement.

When the class ended, I helped my wife get off the massage table and helped her dress. "You were magnificent Becky I loved your display." I told her reverently, as I handed her the panties and bra.

"Forget them I will just put on my blouse and skirt." Becky laughed. as she put her blouse over her head. She held onto me while she stepped into her skirt and I zipped it up and buttoned it for her. Mark gave her seventy-five dollars cash and we were off to our home.

Becky had her bra and panties in her hand and her purse over her arm. I opened the car door for my wife, and she got in. I was please to receive a beaver shot from her as she entered the car, she threw her bra and panties in the backseat, with her purse. Because she had a few orgasms her scent permeated the interior of the car the longer we were in there. I became used to its presence on the drive home.

My wife exited the vehicle and went into the house to get our sitter so, I could drive her home.

Linsey was sixteen years old at the time. She entered the vehicle and sniffed the air. She had the door open. "Uncle Tom the car smells of sex!" She stated with a smirk to my surprise. She reached into the back seat and brought my wife's panties and bra to the front seat. "You and Auntie Becky go parking tonight these garments looked used."

"No Linsey we didn't go parking Aunt Becky had a job tonight she was a model." I explained to her.

"Aunt Becky modeled nude!" Our niece said in amazement.

"No, she just modeled some bathing suits for a magazine, we don't know if they will use them. I don't want you to say anything to anyone. If you do I will know where it came from." I lied to our niece.

"Okay Uncle Tom, you and Aunt Becky are so cool!" Our niece said, just before I dropped her off at home.

I gave her thirty dollars as she exited the car. "Keep quiet if you want more sitting jobs when your aunt models." I told her.

That is how our adventures in display of my wife began. Oh yes, she did get the front porch built but that is another story of wife display.

All rights reserved 2021 to 2031


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